Surviving the dreaded audit

Lab or tissue bank audit

Lab or tissue bank audit

Hands up who loves to be audited! In truth, not many people relish the idea of an upcoming audit. They are often perceived as a looming black cloud and that they get in the way of the day-to-day work or a lab or tissue bank. However, a good audit can really add a shine to your institute’s reputation. With some forethought, and audit management, they can become much less stressful and largely positive experiences. There’s nothing like the warm glow of reading the conclusions section of an audit report and seeing positive points and approval. Good news also spreads upwards through the management chain. Everyone loves praise!

The reality of audits – they’re unavoidable

Audits arrive when you least need them so it pays to always be prepared. If you can carry out your own audits periodically that allows you to spot failures in operating procedures, identify process optimisations. And – importantly – this allows your team to validate their designated processes and check that they’re actually adhering to them. It also provides documentary evidence of your lab or tissue bank process review. Auditors just love that! It’s for this reason that Achiever Medical has added the Audit Management module helping to quickly generate randomised samples for checking and allowing results to be recorded. Evidence is king for the auditors.

There’s never enough time!

You are never given enough notice when an external audit is announced. Preparing at short-notice inevitably means that you’re trying to rope it in when you’re really busy with your day job. The moral is to be ready at all times. It seems that the more you’re prepared the less likely it is that you’ll need it. I think of the number of fire drills we’ve had and our offices haven’t burned down once!

Audits bring tangible benefits

So carry out your own. It’s easy once you’ve got the hang of it and it make external audits so much easier. Your team will relax with the audit process due to its familiarity. They’ll know where the latest versions of their SOPs are and be familiar with their contents. Auditors quickly spot this and is a big “tick in the box”, as you pass on your confidence to them. If you have Biobanking, LIMS or sample tracking software that helps then even better. Pseudo-randomised samples for checking are more trusted if you’re using a computer system to generate the testing cohorts. Also, it’s much easier to produce the logs and evidence of remedial action. That demonstrates best practice to them and efficiency to yourselves. Efficiency = minimised costs and improved reputation.

The secrets to success

It’s important to remember that auditors are not trying to catch you out. There are some simple things that you can do to prepare your lab or tissue bank for an audit.

With a bit of preparation, audit management and practice you can look forward to your next external audit as an opportunity to “rubber stamp” your efficiency!