Labs and Biobanks Evidencing Return on Investment

Evidencing return on investment

Evidencing return on investment

If you have recently received a grant from a funding body, then you’ll probably have to demonstrate how well you are using that funding and the difference it is making.  So how do you do that without it taking up too much of your research time? When you are evidencing return on investment (ROI), using a database system can be much easier than using Excel or a paper-based system. If you have an ‘off-the-shelf’ product that has ROI reports and tools already built-in – this is even better.

Choose measures that funders value

If you are running a Biobank and are being funded to support research, then simply having a rapidly growing number of samples in your stores doesn’t mean that you’re supporting research effectively. It just shows that you’ve got a rapidly growing collection. If, instead, you record the number of samples being dispatched to researchers then that’s of much more interest to a funder.

If you are in the early phase of establishing a Biobank and aren’t dispatching many samples yet, then you could report the number of samples that are visible to the research community. You could do this by recording the number of samples uploaded to a Biobank directory such as the UKCRC. Similarly, if you feature your Biobank on several websites or journals this could be a measure of your efforts to bring your samples to the research community.

Funders also want to see efficient processes. One of these could be the average time between sample collection and storage.  You can use this measure to show the viability of your samples (good for both researchers and funders).

However, make sure that you choose measures that are of value to you too!

Have your benchmark data ready

If you’re implementing changes to an existing Biobank, perhaps with a new LIMS or sample tracking system, or are expanding or updating your processes, take “Before” and “After” measures.  This will help prove any efficiencies you think you may have gained.

However, if are using an established system then you might want to compare evolving operating procedures or audit results. You could also think about measuring against industry average figures, where available, or against target figures set by you either internally or in your estimates to funders.

Use your system’s own features to help

If there are existing auditing features, then think about how you can use this data when evidencing return on investment. Using what you already have makes life much easier. It also helps avoid the temptation to over-interpret less accurate or out-of-date data. Remember that you might be asked to provide data to evidence your findings.

Measure to an appropriate accuracy

Don’t over-measure. You are not trying to account for every penny spent. You’re trying to work out a reliable indication of cost savings. Strategic decisions are based on percentages and averages over time, not on the individual units being measured. However, that doesn’t mean that the numbers mustn’t be accurate, just that you don’t have to quote them to the nth decimal place!

Evidencing return on investment ideas for processing labs

Sample process labs have different business aims and therefore need different measures to support different targets.

ROI measures for a sample processing lab could include:


Examples on how a Biobank can evidence return on investment

You probably established your Biobanks to support research.  So, for you to achieve your goal your samples must be used. Therefore, an effective Biobank has a high turnover of samples rather than simply a large sample collection. If you’re storing samples unused in your freezers for years this isn’t helping research. Researchers have to see your samples to use them, so you need to make them visible.  Also, you need researchers to be able to easily request them. You then need to turn any requests around quickly and do it cost-effectively.

ROI measures for your Biobank could include:

In summary

Evidencing return on investment can be time-consuming. However, if you choose your measures wisely you can maximise the relevance and effectiveness of your findings.  In addition, if you choose carefully you can find some good measures that are easy to produce.  All this leaves you with more time to carry out your day job!