Proud to be recognised as a life sciences company of excellence at the UK Biobanking showcase

UK Biobanking Event 2019

UK Biobanking Event 2019

Thanks for stopping by to see us at the UK Biobanking showcase. We really enjoyed the event and had a great time learning and sharing ideas.

We kicked off the 5th Annual UK Biobanking showcase with an informative workshop on data quality and access. Our focus for the workshop was the importance of the UKCRC Tissue Directory in promoting your Biobank. And, above all, how Achiever can make it easier for you to publish details of your tissue samples to the directory.

Achiever Medical is the only laboratory sample management system that links to the UKCRC Tissue Directory. It sends your selected sample holdings data automatically, and securely, to the directory. And, what’s more, you can choose to update your information as often as you’d like. As a result, you’re making sure researchers are viewing tissue samples from your current collection.

We’re also very proud to be cited as a Midlands life sciences company of excellence.

Hearing about the things that matter to you …

It was so good to share ideas and listen to some of the great things that you’re achieving.

It was also interesting to hear some of the challenges you’re facing and identifying where technology can help.

Some of the key challenges that came up this year were:

How we can help you

Achiever Medical has compliance built-in and has helped several Biobanks and labs meet strict compliance targets. We’ve also got first-hand experience of Human Tissue Act (HTA) audits. Discover more how Achiever Medical can help you meet, and exceed, your compliance needs with our free guides on ‘How Achiever helps you comply with the HTA’ and ‘Your 5-step guide to laboratory compliance’ .

Finally, if you have multiple teams and are looking for a central system to manage your lab processes and tissue samples, read how Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust use Achiever Medical to do just this. The software allows each team to capture the data it needs using its own processes while providing one system for compliance.