Want to publish your samples to UKCRC Tissue Directory but don’t have the time? If you are one of the many UK Biobanks that wants to maximise visibility of their samples, but it takes you weeks to get the data together to submit to the Directory – then Achiever Medical is the answer. Achiever Medical’s UKCRC Integration module allows your Biobank to publish your available biological samples to the online Directory quickly and easily. And you can automate it – so once you’ve set it up you can just let it do its thing!
Increase the visibility of your samples in your Biobank
You want researchers to use your valuable samples that donors have generously provided.
But researchers need to know that you exist and what you offer. What better way to do this than publishing your sample holdings data on the UK’s online industry-recognised registry – the UKCRC Tissue Directory?
You are in complete control of which sample collections you want to make visible. Achiever Medical’s integration with the UKCRC Tissue Directory allows Biobanks to select sample groups and collections in the software to publish on the online directory.
In Achiever Medical you define how you want to categorise and profile your samples. And then using Achiever Medical’s translation functionality, you map your terminology to the UKCRC’s corresponding terms. So, in your lab you can continue to work with your own terminology to match your Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and still conform to the UKCRC’s standard definitions. And once this is set up, Achiever Medical will use these definitions to prepare and send your Biobank data to the Tissue Directory’s API.
And your data is always up-to-date
You can choose how often you want to send your Biobank data to the online UKCRC Tissue Directory. Whether this is every day or once a month you can make sure you publish your most up-to-date holdings data.
If you only publish your sample holdings data once a year you could get requests for samples you don’t have. This could impact researchers’ impression of your Biobank.
Or even worse you may have very specialist samples that no-one is aware of as you are have not published them.
Achiever Medical automatically transfers the data for you in the background. The system sends any matching sample information you have entered as part of your standard day-to-day processes. So, while you are using Achiever Medical’s sample management functionality to receipt, search, process, store and retrieve your samples in line with your SOPs, your selected data is being automatically synchronised with the UKCRC registry. This can be as often as every hour or just once a month. And Achiever Medical automatically audits each transfer.
Plus, if, for whatever reason, there is a problem – your nominated users will receive an email notification. An audit log is also kept for you to review.
Maximise your Biobank’s opportunities today
See how Achiever Medical’s sample management system with its integration to the UKCRC’s Tissue Directory can elevate your Biobank. Contact us today for a no-obligation demonstration or guided session.
Visit UKCRC Tissue Directory at https://biobankinguk.org/ for more information about the online directory
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